dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2012




There have been some Romani communities living in Italy for years. The Romani or Roma community are an ethic group who came from the Indian subcontinent. Some of them are poor people and they live in shacks. Their standard of living isn’t good but recently it has become worse than it used to be.

In the context of European economic recession, discrimination against Romani has risen. A lot of families were evicted and they were being forced to live in squalid camps like refugees without basic services. Nowadays, some Romani are still living as homeless.

In February 2012, the Italian authorities promised the UE to stop segregation of Roma people and to promote their inclusion in Italian society. In September 2012, nothing had changed in these Romanians’ lives. 

That’s the reason why we call for a solution which may allow these people live with dignity.

3rd ESO C students have written and sent a letter to the Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti (through an Amnesty International web page) expressing  their disagreement with the situation and asking the governement to take action.


Dear Prime Minister Mario Monti,

We read the topic of this news . We are students from Spain. Our high school is near Barcelona. We studied this topic in the Citizenship class.
We think that the Roman people shouldn't be segregated and forced to go out of Italy.
They live in squalid camps with little or no access to water, electricity, etc
Instead of supporting men, women and children to live in more decent conditions, Italian authorities are forcibly evicting them.
We think that these people deserve better conditions and some help.
We ask you to help and allow them to live there.

                                                                                                     Judit, Eric 3C

Dear Prime Minister Mario Monti,

We think that Roman people have the same human rights as the Italians. In our opinion, we would like you could help them. Those homeless people can't enjoy right like joining school, living in a house, etc. We're all the same.
We think segregation is something that must stop. Everybody deserves to live in peace.
Although in February you promised that this would stop, still Roma people receive all kinds of discrimination.
We beg you stop this!

                                                                                             Laura, Albert, Òscar, Jordi 3c

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