dijous, 17 de gener del 2013

Christmas Concert


Last 20th December the students of 1st ESO went early in the morning to the home of "Ampans" in Súria.This a place that looks after mental disabled people.

We sang Carols, three songs were in English: "What Child is This?", "Good King Wenceslas" and "O Christmas Tree", five songs in Catalan: "Fum, Fum, Fum", "El rabadà", "Ha nascut el Déu Infant", "Aclarida nit de Nadal" and "Som al dia de Nadal",  and three songs playing the flute. 

The people of Ampans sang with us in two Carols: "El rabadà" and "Fum, fum, fum".
We enjoyed a lot and made the people of Ampans laugh. We arrived at school at one o'clock very pleased and tired.

Josep i Andreu (1r ESO B)

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