dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2013


This documentary talks about the high levels of contamination which the Earth endures. The high levels of pollution have an impact on the wonderful scenery in the world. Glaciers are melting, human resources dwindle and they are mistreated.  Unless we find a solution quickly, the sea level will rise rapidly, human resources will disappear, many animals will die more easily and the world will end.

by Xiaoyu Zhang (3A)

Yann Arthus Bertrand was born in March 1946 in Paris. He is a French photographer, a journalist, a reporter and an environmentalist. He became a director assistant when he was 17. In 1963 he became an actor in movies. He gave up the movie industry in 1967 to run the Château de Saint Agustin wildlife park in the centre of France. 

by Ivette Avellaneda (3A)


If everyone lived like me, we would need 1.5 earths to cover everyone's needs.  We suggest:

- go by bike
- go by public transport
- not cut down on trees
- not burn forests
- use renewable energy

by Marc Gómez and Carla Badia (3A)

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