dimecres, 12 de novembre del 2014


Albert Lladó, a student who was studying 4th ESO in our high school last year, 
has written us from Canada, where he is studying this year.


I'm Albert Lladó and I'm part of this 1st of Batxillerat traveling experience in Canada.
Let me explain: INS Mig-Món gave me the opportunity to apply for a Spanish scholarship program "Estudia en Canada" provided by ZARA's owner Amancio Ortega. The scholarship offers 100 students from 4th ESO all over Spain to spend their first senior year studying in Canada.
The first test required was based on a series of datas about your final 3rd ESO grades as well as your English final grade. Also we were asked for familiar datas such as your family's income. 500-600 students from 4600 are the chosen ones. The second test consisted of a writing exam to avaluate your English level, and the third and final was a brief oral exposition.
I was one of the 100 lucky ones that made it to the end and I find myself now in Canada, a little far from Spain.
The differences I thought I'd have to face here still haven't appeared, and besides being two different countries, culturally, we are almost the same. We don't have a lot of differences when it comes to food either...
Education does work different though: from "sisè de primària" students to the 2nd of ESO ones study in a different building called Junior High School, and from 3rd until 2nd of Batxillerat stay in Senior High School. The names are quite different too: 6th of Primary School is Grade 6, but from 1st ESO the names change to Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9,...
The subjects are chosen by the student and the extracurricular activities are provided by the school: football team, soccer team, hockey team, musical, vocals, Improv team,...
The classes run for 75 minutes and we have a huge hour lunch break.
The lunch and supper time are earlier but it's a routine you just get used to.
The landscapes here are constantly beautiful as well as the weather is colder everyday, but they remind me sometimes of the same mountains that we have around Catalonia.

Here are some of the best pictures I've taken all over these months.

Canada is making this experience a great of a trip!

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